Serious Privacy
For those who are interested in the hottest field in a technology world. Whether you are a professional who wants to learn more about privacy, data protection, or cyber law or someone who just finds this fascinating, we have topics for you from data management to cybersecurity to social justice and data ethics and AI. In-depth information on serious privacy topics.
This podcast, hosted by Dr. K Royal, Paul Breitbarth and Ralph O'Brien, features open, unscripted discussions with global privacy professionals (those kitchen table or back porch conversations) where you hear the opinions and thoughts of those who are on the front lines working on the newest issues in handling personal data. Real information on your schedule - because the world needs serious privacy.
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Serious Privacy
Taking Data Protection out of the Ivory Silo: Sophie Kwasny (Council of Europe) and Michael Donohue (OECD) on Fundamental Rights Protection
Since the Schrems-II judgment came down on July 16th, the message has slowly sunk in that Europe is serious about looking at privacy and data protection through the glasses of fundamental rights protection. That was even reinforced by the Privacy International and Quadrature du Net cases, published at the start of October. Any interference with the fundamental rights to privacy and data protection, needs to be limited in time, scope and content, according to the courts, as well as necessary and proportionate. But what does it actually mean that privacy and data protection ARE fundamental rights. And is the “universal fundamental rights approach” compatible with a more economic rights approach taken in other jurisdictions?
In this episode of Serious Privacy, Paul Breitbarth and K Royal speak to two guests from international organisations working on fundamental rights. Sophie Kwasny is the Head of the Data Protection Unit of the Council of Europe, and as such, one of the key players when it comes to the so-called Convention 108. Michael Donohue is the Data Protection Officer for the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. Join Paul, K, Sophie and Michael as they discuss ongoing international developments in the privacy community.
- Council of Europe data protection website
- Convention 108 for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data
- Convention 108+ on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data
- OECD Privacy Guidelines
- Article by Colin Bennett on why Canada should accede to Convention 108+
Social Media
Twitter: @privacypodcast, @EuroPaulB, @heartofprivacy, @trustarc, @sophiekwasny, @micdonohue @COE_HRightsRLaw @OECD
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